Friday, November 4, 2011

Life is an adventure!

I'm not working.  I thought I'd be lost if I ever found myself in this circumstance, but I'm not!  Instead I have re-discovered activities that I always enjoyed but never seemed to have time to do, and have encountered new activities and interests that are enjoyable and fulfilling in their own right.  These days, I am happily engaged in the present.  But every now and then when I do look back, I ask myself why I didn't do more of what I'm doing now when I was gainfully employed?  So, this blog is about leisure time, whether you have a little or a lot of it.  Some of the entries will be about practical things, some may be useless but interesting, and others are likely to be just plain silly.  I'm looking forward to watching it naturally unfold because, after all, life is truly an adventure!  

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